Go and Pollinate, Don't Go and Persecute ------ Series: Executive Orders Spring Edition

Alphaeus Anderson 3/9/2025

God's Original Intention ------ Series: Executive Orders

Ben Panos 2/23/2025

Surrendered to Him ------ Series: In the Beginning, God

Ben Panos 1/19/2025

Bereshit; A Head Start on Kingdom Business ------ Series: In the Beginning, God

Pastor Katie E Webb 1/5/2025

Mary's Song ------ Series: Re-Joy-Sing!

Justin Goldsmith 12/22/2024

True Joy ------ Series: Re-Joy-Sing!

Ben Panos 12/15/2024

Gratitude Is The Key ------ Series: Rethink & Thanksgiving

Ben Panos 11/25/2024

Shut Up and Bless Him! ------ Series: Rethink & Thanksgiving

Alphaeus Anderson 11/17/2024

What Are We Bringing to the Table? ------ Series: Rethink & Thanksgiving

Pastor Katie E Webb 11/10/2024

Rethink & Thanksgiving ------ Series: Rethink & Thanksgiving

Pastor Katie E Webb 11/3/2024

Don't Conform to the World's Pattern (Pt. 2) ------ Series: Muscle Memory

Alphaeus Anderson 9/22/2024

Don't Conform to the World's Pattern ------ Series: Muscle Memory

Alphaeus Anderson 9/15/2024

Learn to Be Still (ANGER) ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 8/25/2024

Learn to Be Still ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 8/18/2024

Standing Still and Seeing God's Salvation ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 8/11/2024

The Gospel According to Pastor Katie ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 8/4/2024

The Gospel According to Donkey: Aloof and Afar ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 7/21/2024

The Gospel According to Shrek: Aloof and Afar ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 7/14/2024

God's Protection Plan/Aloof and Afar ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 7/7/2024

Say Less ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 6/30/2024

Make It to the Barn ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Alphaeus Anderson 6/23/2024

EnvironMENt ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Alphaeus Anderson 6/16/2024

Not of This World ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 6/2/2024

Home Court Advantage ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Alphaeus Anderson 5/26/2024

Go to BED (pt. 2) ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 5/19/2024

Go to BED (pt. 1) ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 5/12/2024

Seizing Our Salvation ------ Series: Balancing Engagement with Detachment

Pastor Katie E Webb 5/5/2024

Saving Our Souls; The Dichotomy of The Cross ------ Series: Growth

Pastor Katie E Webb 4/21/2024

Health & Flourishment through Agricultural Analogy (pt. 2) ------ Series: Growth

Rev Josh Spoelstra 4/14/2024

Health & Flourishment through Agricultural Analogy (pt. 1) ------ Series: Growth

Rev Josh Spoelstra 4/7/2024

The Dichotomy of the Cross ------ Series: SOS (Saving Our Souls) Series

Pastor Katie Webb  3/31/2024

The Son Over Sin ------ Series: SOS (Saving Our Souls) Series

Pastor Katie Webb  3/24/2024

There's a Typo. Look Again ------ Series: SOS (Saving Our Souls) Series

Alphaeus Anderson 3/10/2024

DEI and Jesus' Disciples ------ Series: Dreams; Expecting Greatness In Unity

Rev Josh Spoelstra 2/25/2024

Music to My Ears ------ Series: Dreams; Expecting Greatness In Unity

Alphaeus Anderson 2/18/2024

Lord, Teach Us How to Dream ------ Series: Dreams; Expecting Greatness In Unity

Pastor Katie Webb  2/11/2024

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion In Unity ------ Series: DEI

Pastor Katie Webb  2/4/2024

The Illusion of Reality and The Reality of an Illusion ------ Series: Rumors

Pastor Katie Webb 1/7/2024

Endurance for the Middle ------ Series: Transitions

Pastor Corbin Hogue 10/29/2023

The Need for Discernment While Transitioning to the Next Season ------ Series: Transitions

Alphaeus Anderson 10/22/2023

Organizing and Prioritizing for the Kingdom ------ Series: Transitions

Pastor Katie Webb 10/15/2023

The Transfiguration ------ Series: Transitions

Rev Josh Spoelstra  10/1/2023

The Resurrection of Lazarus ------ Series: Life Support

Rev Josh Spoelstra  9/24/2023

Life & Life Everlasting; The Upgrade ------ Series: Life Support

Pastor Katie Webb 9/10/2023

Responsible and Proper Bible Interpretation ------ Series: Interpretation (III)

Alphaeus Anderson 7/9/2023

What Does the Bible Say About Music? ------ Series: Interpretation

Pastor Katie Webb 7/2/2023

Responsible & Proper Bible Interpretation (II) ------ Series: Interpretation

Alphaeus Anderson 6/18/2023

Responsible & Proper Bible Interpretation (I) ------ Series: Interpretation

Alphaeus Anderson 6/11/2023

Apologetics, God Is Truth, Truth Is God ------ Series: History; His Truth, His Story

Pastor Katie Webb 5/28/2023

Christian Apologetics ------ Series: History; His Truth, His Story

Pastor Katie Webb 5/21/2023

God As Mother: Human Metaphors ------ Series: History; His Truth, His Story

Rev Josh Spoelstra 5/14/2023

Apologetics ------ Series: History; His Truth, His Story

Alphaeus Anderson 5/7/2023

Listening to History: His Truth, His Story, with New Eyes ------ Series: History; His Truth, His Story

Pastor Katie Webb 4/30/2023

Vacant Tomb Convictions ------ Series: History; His Truth, His Story

Rev Josh Spoelstra 4/23/2023

There is More ------ Series: History; His Truth, His Story

Hykeng Paul 4/16/2023

History; His Truth, His Story, pt. 2 ------ Series: History; His Truth, His Story

Alphaeus Anderson 4/9/2023

History; His Truth, His Story ------ Series: History; His Truth, His Story

Pastor Katie Webb 4/2/2023

Deep Dive into Heb 4:12 ------ Series: It Came to Pass

Rev Josh Spoelstra 3/26/2023

Wait/Weight It Out ------ Series: It Came to Pass

Alphaeus Anderson 3/19/2023

The Struggle Is Real; But God ------ Series: What's Love Got To Do With It?

Alphaeus Anderson 2/19/2023

What Are You Entertaining In Your Heart? ------ Series: What's Love Got To Do With It?

Alphaeus Anderson 2/12/2023

What's Love Got To Do With It? ------ Series: What's Love Got To Do With It?

Pastor Katie Webb 2/5/2023

A Brand New Life ------ Series: 3D - Destination, Determination, Dreams

Pastor Katie Webb 1/29/2023

Managing Momentum ------ Series: 3D - Destination, Determination, Dreams

Alphaeus Anderson 1/22/2023

Momentum ------ Series: 3D - Destination, Determination, Dreams

Alphaeus Anderson 1/15/2023

Relational Shalom ------ Series: 3D - Destination, Determination, Dreams

Rev Josh Spoelstra 1/8/2023

God's Plan For Me In 2023 ------ Series: 3D - Destination, Determination, Dreams

Pastor Katie Webb 1/1/2023


Christmas Is Real ------ Series: Israel Is Real

Alphaeus Anderson 12/11/2022

14-Culosis ------ Series: Israel Is Real

Alphaeus Anderson 12/4/2022

Vitamin G ------ Series: Israel Is Real

Alphaeus Anderson 11/27/2022

Financial Freedom (pt. 2) ------ Wednesday night Conversations topic

Dr. Eddie Maddox 10/26/22

Spiritual Lessons from Historical Events ------ Series: Israel Is Real

Rev Josh Spoelstra 10/23/2022

Financial Freedom (pt. 1) ------ Wednesday night Conversations topic

Dr. Eddie Maddox 10/19/22

From Fear to Faith ------ Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday (Pink Sunday)

Jeanie Dawson-Burris 10/16/2022

Maintaining Oneness with Christ ------ Series: What Would Jesus Pray

Pastor Katie Webb 9/25/2022

Maintaining Christ's Glory ------ Series: What Would Jesus Pray

Pastor Katie Webb 9/18/2022

Attaining Christ's Glory ------ Series: What Would Jesus Pray

Pastor Katie Webb 9/11/2022

What Did Jesus Pray (His Glory) ------ Series: What Would Jesus Pray

Pastor Katie Webb 8/28/2022

Where Did Jesus Pray ------ Series: What Would Jesus Pray

Alphaeus Anderson 8/14/2022

What Would Jesus Pray ------ Series: What Would Jesus Pray

Alphaeus Anderson 8/7/2022

Understanding the Wait of Freedom So That We Do Not Feel the Weight of Freedom ------ Series: Not Finished

Pastor Katie Webb 7/24/2022

Focused on the Waves ------ Series: Not Finished

Pastor Corbin Hogue 7/17/2022

How to Appreciate the Wait of Freedom ------ Series: Not Finished

Pastor Katie Webb 7/10/2022

Not Finished: The Wait of Freedom ------ Series: Not Finished

Pastor Katie Webb 7/3/2022

Looking Out for the Mailman ------ Series: Grace

Alphaeus Anderson 6/26/2022

Grace for Fathers For Sure ------ Series: Grace

Alphaeus Anderson 6/19/2022

Grace Upon Grace: Grace for the Journey ------ Series: Grace

Pastor Katie Webb 5/29/2022

15 Reasons I Am Better Than I Deserve (pt. 2) ------ Series: Grace

Alphaeus Anderson 5/22/2022

15 Reasons I Am Better Than I Deserve (pt. 1) ------ Series: Grace

Alphaeus Anderson 5/15/2022

The Dichotomy of the Cross: Grace Upon Grace ------ Series: Grace

Pastor Katie Webb 5/1/2022

Spring Cleaning, pt 4 ------ Series: Spring Cleaning

Alphaeus Anderson 3/27/2022

Spring Cleaning, pt 3 ------ Series: Spring Cleaning

Alphaeus Anderson 3/20/2022

Guarding Our Hearts With Forgiveness ------ Series: The Heart of the Matter

Pastor Katie Webb 2/27/2022

Questions of the Heart ------ Series: The Heart of the Matter

 Alphaeus Anderson 2/20/2022

The Power and Strength of Love ------ Series: The Heart of the Matter

 Rev. Josh Spoelstra 2/13/2022

Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience: When Wisdom and Folly Kiss ------ Series: Begin with the End in Mind

Pastor Katie Webb 1/23/2022

Health ------ Series: Begin with the End in Mind

Rev Josh Spoelstra 1/9/2022

Enhancing Our Faith ------ Series: Begin with the End in Mind

Jerry Wright 1/2/2022

Go to Video Tab for the December 26, 2021 Message
Back to the Future ------ Series: Back to the Future

Jerry Wright 12/05/2021

Transformational Giving ------ Series: Thanksgiving

Alphaeus Anderson 11/28/2021

A Look Inside of Thanksgiving ------ Series: Thanksgiving

Alphaeus Anderson 11/21/2021

Thankfulness; The Proper Response to God's Grace ------- Series: Thanksgiving

Rev. Josh Spoelstra  11/14/2021

A Thankful Heart ---------- Series: Thanksgiving

Jerry Wright  11/07/2021

God Sees Us ---------- Series: Colorblind

Myka Young  10/31/2021

What Color Is Your Heart? ---------- Series: Colorblind

Alphaeus Anderson  10/24/2021

Jesus, the Ethnic Savior---------- Series: Colorblind

Rev. Josh Spoelstra  10/10/2021

Represent ---------- Series: Colorblind

Hykeng Paul  10/3/2021

You've Got All the Permission You Need

Trevor Cox,  6/13/2021

There Is Power in the Name of Jesus

Jerry Wright, 5/23/2021

Resurrection Without Resuscitation

Apostle Jeremy Goldsmith, 4/4/2021

Walking in Your Supernatural Purpose

Apostle Jeremy Goldsmith, 2/14/2021

Transition Requires Transformation

Apostle Jeremy Goldsmith, 1/24/2021

Pursue Purpose; But Don't Let Your Purpose Perplex You
Apostle Jeremy Goldsmith, 1/10/2021